Magento 2.4.6 bug - Admin Order Create stopped by annoying language selector reloading loop

Picture of a frustrated woman holding her fists up to a Magento Admin Order create screen with the word DENIED stamped on it.
Magento 2.4.6 bug - Admin Order Create stopped by annoying language selector reloading loop
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A bug in Magento in the Admin Order store selector dialog causes the language selector to reload repeatedly.

An admin user is incorrectly redirected after selecting store view while creating a new order.

Steps to reproduce

1. Install a clean instance.
2. Create a product.
3. Create an additional website, one store, and two store views.
4. Create an order from Admin by selecting store view 1.

Expected results:

The user is redirected to the order page

Actual results:

The user is not redirected to the order page after selecting the store view. Instead, the user is redirected back to the language selection page.


Screen cap of a simulated store with the multi-language problem

Two Solutions

Solution #1

1. Follow the instructions for retrieving the Magento patch here: ACSD-52277: Admin user redirected incorrectly on selecting store view when creating new order

- OR -

Solution #2

If the patch fails (like it did for me for 2.4.6-p8), you can manually override Magento_Sales/order/create/scripts.js.

1. Create the folder: app/design/adminhtml/[Vendor]/[Theme]/Magento_Sales/web/order/create/scripts.js

2. Copy the original scripts.js from: vendor/magento/module-sales/view/adminhtml/web/order/create/scripts.js

3. Paste the original scripts.js to the location: app/design/adminhtml/[Vendor]/[Theme]/Magento_Sales/web/order/create/scripts.js

Note: [Vendor]/[Theme] should be replaced with your admin theme namespace and theme name.

4. Then comment out the line:


in the setStoreId method.

In Magento 2.4.6, this is on line 161.

5. Clear Cache and Deploy Static Content with the following two commands:

bin/magento cache:clean
bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f

That's it!

You will be able to create orders in the Admin without the annoying language selector reloading loop.


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