Welcome to the new SeanBreeden.com!

Screen cap of the Mage-OS homepage.
Welcome to the new SeanBreeden.com!
Loading... 24 view(s) 1 min read

I originally wrote this blog in WordPress many years ago. After a while, I switched to CraftCMS and ran it for several years. CraftCMS is a great platform that I very much enjoyed learning. When I realized that Mage-OS existed, I knew I had to try it.  It has renewed my passion for developing with Magento! I like the improvements and the overall feel of Mage-OS. If you are a Magento developer and want to get back to what Magento was supposed to be, then check out Mage-OS today: https://www.mage-os.org.


Mage-OS Professsional Member badge

I became a Mage-OS Professional Member to support the efforts of Vinai Kopp and the other extremely talented developers that are involved in this project.

I'm gradually adding all of my older blog posts back to this platform and adding new content as time permits.

Some of the header options may seem odd but they'll make sense once I get those sections populated.


Thank you for stopping by! I hope you get something beneficial from your visit!


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